Digital Storytelling / Multimedia Design

Mine, Then Craft: How Two Mechanics Created Limitless Gameplay

10-minute video essay exploring part of why Minecraft is so compelling for gamers across generations, platforms, and play styles.

Project Description:

Minecraft stands out from other open-world and sandbox style games because of its iconic, 8-bit inspired art style and limitless gameplay. Minecraft is not a game that asks players to complete objectives, defeat bosses, or play it in one specific way. Though achievements and challenging boss battles have since been added to the game’s many editions after launch, initially gameplay in Minecraft focused exclusively around two mechanics: mining resources from the randomly generated world followed by crafting resources into building materials, tools, and items. Minecraft's unique gameplay has cemented its place as one of the greatest games of all time.

Project Info


Writer, Director, Editor, Producer


October, 2020


Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and Media Encoder; Microsoft Word, Audacity, Slack, Zoom, YouTube Studio